十年好听却难等许下誓言 2013-09-03 09:25:47
①和②可以相互转化, ②在沸水中生成③, ③在空气中可以氧化成④, ④有臭鸡蛋气味,请问①②③④各是什么? 答案往下
答案: ①是鸡, ②是生鸡蛋, ③是熟鸡蛋, ④当然是臭鸡蛋
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十年好听却难等许下誓言 2012-12-12 21:08:40
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十年好听却难等许下誓言 2012-03-30 00:57:38
“I don't like to inquire too curiously into your affairs,”said the lady to her husband.“But something's been bothering me for days.”
said the husband.“Tell me all about it.”
“You got a letter last Friday,”the lady said.“It was perfumed.It was in a girl's handwriting.I saw you oped it:you broke into a sweat.You turned white.Your hands trembled…For goodness
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